Business Consulting

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Where do I need insight?

Whether your business needs to address an obstacle or is looking to expand, we can tailor an analysis to suit your unique situation. We look at each client to build an analysis that addresses each situation individually and provide practical and actionable recommendations.

Insight Projects: Expert-led Analysis Projects; typically lasting 2-3 weeks, targeting a specific problem or business question.

    Example Project : How can we grow our business faster?

    Primary Need: Revenue Growth

    Business Problem: “Our business seems to be stalled. How can we grow faster? Are there other ways to grow that we might not be considering?”

    TURNkey Offering: Opportunity Scorecard

    • Objective: To assess the current state of the business and identify multiple opportunities to grow revenue and increase company profitability
    • Timeframe: 2-3 weeks
    • Deliverable: Customized List of Business Opportunities

    Example Project: Business Services Company

    • Situation: Client was experiencing slow growth/flat revenue for the past 3-4 years. This was further compounded in 2020 with reduced revenue, fewer customer touchpoints and a delayed installation schedule
    • Project: TURNkey used the Opportunity Scorecard to (1) assess current position and impact of COVID, (2) analyze profitability across service offerings, (3) estimate growth potential related to several growth opportunities
    • Outcome(s):
      • Better understanding of profitability across service offerings
      • Plan to migrate customers to higher margin service contracts over next 12-18 months
      • Expanded service offerings to increase average revenue per customer
      • Improved the growth trajectory of the business from slow/no growth to 10-20% per year

    Example Project : How can I make the business more profitable?

    Primary Need: Profitability

    Business Problem: “We’re growing but not making a lot of additional profit. How can we grow both revenue and profitability?”

    TURNkey Offering: Opportunity Scorecard

    • Objective: To assess the current state of the business and identify multiple opportunities to increase company profitability
    • Timeframe: 2-3 weeks
    • Deliverable: Customized List of Business Opportunities

    Example Project: Business Services Company

    • Situation: Client was experiencing slow growth/flat revenue for the past 3-4 years. This was further compounded in 2020 with reduced revenue, fewer customer touchpoints and a delayed installation schedule
    • Project: TURNkey used the Opportunity Scorecard to (1) assess current position and impact of COVID, (2) analyze profitability across service offerings, (3) estimate growth potential related to several growth opportunities
    • Outcome(s):
      • Better understanding of profitability across service offerings
      • Plan to migrate customers to higher margin service contracts over next 12-18 months
      • Expanded service offerings to increase average revenue per customer
      • Improve the growth trajectory and overall profitability of the business

    Example Project : Are we getting the most out of our marketing spend?

    Primary Need: Marketing Effectiveness

    Business Problem: “We’re spending a lot on marketing but not sure if we’re getting any ROI. How can we be sure we’re getting the most out of marketing?”

    TURNkey Offering: Marketing Assessment

    • Objective: To assess the current marketing approach, particularly related to the digital marketing (website, social media, search engines, etc.) and to identify several specific recommendations to reach potential customers more effectively.
    • Timeframe: 2-3 weeks
    • Deliverable: Customized Marketing Plan, which includes:
    • Summary of the current marketing goals and primary performance indicators
    • Evaluation of the current marketing vehicles and their current level of performance
    • Shortlist of specific improvement opportunities
    • Prioritized recommendations for immediate, short- and long-term consideration

    Example Project: Consumer Service Company

    • Situation: Client had a marketing program which evolved over time and was not generating a clear ROI
    • Project: TURNkey led a marketing assessment to (1) clarify current marketing objectives, (2) evaluate existing marketing vehicles (website, messaging, search engine results, social media, etc.) and (3) identify weaknesses and recommendations related to primary messaging, media and marketing goals & infrastructure.
    • Outcome(s):
      • Clarification of marketing goals and strategy
      • Prioritization of marketing investment vehicles (website, search engine, etc.)
      • Identification / tracking of key performance metrics
      • Reallocation of resources to higher impact marketing activities

    Example Project : Should I Move my Business Out of State?

    Primary Need: Potential Business Relocation

    Business Problem: “Given the direction of our local government and the potential challenges ahead, we need to consider relocating to another state/city. What would be the costs/benefits of relocating the business?  Where should we consider relocating to?”

    TURNkey Offering: Custom Analysis

    • Objective: To tailor an analysis effort to address a specific topic or business question
    • Timeframe: 2-6 weeks, depending on scope
    • Deliverable: Documentation of Findings, with specific recommendations and supporting analyses

    Example Project: Business Relocation Analysis

    • Project Focus: Outline potential relocation options, primary costs/benefits and other decision factors to consider in a relocation decision.
    • Timeframe: 3-4 weeks
    • Deliverable: Business Relocation Analysis, to include:
      • Outline of primary decision factors & considerations
      • Estimate of major costs & benefits (financial & non-financial)
      • Identification of potential location alternatives
      • Preliminary comparison of real estate costs, workforce and other considerations
      • Summary of recommendations, including ranking of relocation alternatives